Monday, December 28, 2009


I'm sure this is the first of many posts to be titled banana. Anyway, so like every first time mother, I just assumed that John Milo would never learn to eat (based on his unfortunate first through fourth feedings) and would eventually waste away. Granted it would take a long time to waste--look at those little fat legs. But this was not so! He figured out today that banana and rice cereal is pretty awesome, and freaked like a monkey on that shit! He would only allow the food near his pie hole if he himself was holding the spoon, as you see in the video. He also growls. Like a monkey. It was hilarious (as you can surmise from my cackling). Sorry for the crappy video. We didn't have time to grab the nice video camera, this is just from my little nikon.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We woke up to bright skies this morning. John Milo opened some of his presents (okay, I opened most of them). We've been holed up inside, since it is still only about 25 outside. We have some pretty awesome drifts built up, our official total here in Norman was 8 inches!

Little dude is very much enjoying himself on his first Christmas! We were bummed we didn't make it to Iowa for the festivities, but we're trying to make up for it by having a fun filled day at home today.

Nana made him a stocking, which was stuffed with bibs and a book and some fun paper to play with!

Here are some pics of the pups outside in the thick of the storm yesterday. Did I mention the winds were 35mph+ sustained. It sounded like a hurricane inside all night.

The pups loved this snow more than life itself. They are postively whipped today they ran so much yesterday and this morning!

Looking out into the backyard.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Blizzard Warning!!!

Christmas Eve and we're getting hammered by a blizzard! Even the blizzards in Denver when we lived there over christmas weren't as bad as this one! I know John is used to it, but being the wx weenie I am, I still get pretty excited. The dogs love it too! John Milo is just sleeping it away, but I know deep down he's excited too.

Here's the house, looking from the back of our property, so it is about 3/4 of an acre away. This was much earlier today. I'm getting ready to go back out (fixin' to go out) and take some more.

The dogs checking it out. That is our gutter laying in the corner of the fence. Yes, it blew off the house.

John Milo chilling with his new farm yard buddies. The piggy is his favorite (it oinks when you squeeze it)!