Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Some random Scotland pictures

These are in no particular order or anything. Just thought I'd take a break from working and post some of these before John gives up on me completely. We went to Scotland this summer for my PhD research, and I took John along as my field assistant. So sorry, these are mostly countryside pics not touristy pics since we were there "working" the whole time :) Peat! They cut it and roll it up like sod...this is what you burn for warmth in the Northern Highlands...because as you can see from the pictures there are no trees. Very weird/spongy to walk on.
Schlepping the drill along the beach near least we didn't have to carry water too. Thanks ocean! Below is the northwestern most golf course in Europe (Durness course). That last pic is from the coldest day we had, just checking out some unconformities along the northern coast. I'm ready to move there, it's brilliant!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Fine! Here's more.

So John and I are getting ready to go to Scotland for my research. So I'll feel guilty if I don't post some more pictures since my 3 facebook followers are bitching about my tiny post last time. Winter pics are from my advisor's cabin in northern colorado, with some pics from field camp in Canon City (which is in danger of burning as we speak)!
Pics from sedimentary trip to Galveston, that's me, Stacey Evans, and Earl Manning. Then me teaching my middle school teachers last week...we went on a field trip to the Arbuckles. I feel so grown up!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I'm a slacker

So clearly lots has been going on in the 5 months since I haven't updated!! John Milo will be going to preschool in the fall *sniff*, but he's staying at his same school he is in now, so not too big of a change. We're wrapping up the soccer season, again, and John and I are fixin' too (yup, I said it) go to Scotland in two weeks for a sampling trip. So here's some pictures, enjoy! Royal Gorge Train in Canon City! Denver Science Museum and Rocky Mountain Nat'l Park Camping (before Lisa pops!)