Poor little dude woke up yesterday sounding like Barry White. He had this deep little voice and sad "barking cough". We went to the hospital, and he has croup! This poor kid, he has so many breathing problems! He is getting better, and was much better after his super-charged steroidal breathing treatment. It was different than our nebulizer at home, this one didn't have a mask, and it looked like he was smoking at a hooka bar, it was actually pretty hilarious, mostly because he was also having such a good time with all the nurses laughing at him. It started to go south though when we had to get another round of x-rays (he's had more x-rays in his little life since I have, and I'm pretty klutzy), which he didn't like at all. But then we sat around and he had a nap, and was much better. So we're home, he's snoring away beside me right now with his new snoodle from Aunt Val (he loves it!). I'm pretty sure I brought this crap home from work, since that place is always making me sick. Yup. Here's a pic of us-and chicken!-chilling at the hospital, he was in a great mood the whole time, so it wasn't too bad. Hopefully he will get over all of this soon and not wind up with asthma. My doc said little kids average over 12 infections in the first year, so I guess we're on par for that!
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