Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Welcome to Iowa...what's that smell?

Sorry so long between posts, in a short while I'll have plenty of time to post :) So we went to Iowa for John Milo's first birthday. Unfortunately we were all kind of sick, so we didn't get to do a whole lot while we were there, and I definitely didn't get in the requisite amount of shopping done. But we did introduce JM to golf! Here we are on #5 at the Elks Club in Iowa City. John rode around with John Milo in the cart while I played 9, and then I returned the favor later in the week. JM was really good, and loved all the fresh air. When John played, JM fell asleep by #7 and slept sooo sound for about 3 hours!

Here's John and John Milo on #4. There was a dog park behind the tee-box and he was very interested in all the barking that was going on behind us!

We also visited John's Mom's flowershop of course. Here is John and JM taking in all the moneys! That little kid ran himself ragged in that shop, especially because Judy has a whole display of stuffed animals. JM turned the whole thing over on himself and loved it. Bill and I sat there and ate lunch with him too, and since he ran around so much he ate a ton!! A whole grilled cheese, apple sauce and milk-the entire kid's meal!!
3q321111111 (that was John Milo's contribution)
Hello! Take my picture!

Can I get some service around here?!

Chillin' in front of the cooler...

Alright Stacy, that's all I can handle tonight, I have to go to bed :) You'll just have to wait for part two and the cupcake and present pictures until tomorrow!! Hope everyone enjoys these, like I said, I'll be updating much more frequently before long.

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