Tuesday, July 14, 2015

New sheriff in town...

Well, we(Shannon) have fallen down on the job of posting pictures here at Corn and Okra. I, the unemployed house husband, have taken control. Or in reality being given the password to the blog. A short synopsis of life here in Oklahoma is this; hated job, Shannon leaving for 6 weeks to teach field camp, quit job to watch over and have fun this summer with the kiddo. Money wise poor decision, but I had summers off as a kid so should mine. No more day care. With that we start the spring with John Milo's last days at Trinity with his friends. John Milo is on the bottom in red flannel. Oh, did I mention it was a wet and wild spring all the way to summer... Then we hung out at home a little. We have had a fun summer so far. we have finished some projects around the house and been out and about too. Also we had a great visit from Grandma, Grandpa and Lexi too. I will post all those great adventures in another post, but for now enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Always good to spend time with kids, lovely pictures. Your kids are really cute and they all seems to have fun. Thank you for sharing your moments with us
