Okay, so I know that everyone probably goes through this, well, at least all moms do, but it was pretty funny. Since we just recently started giving JM solid foods, he obviously has just started with some solid poops. So I was changing him one night, maybe an hour after his dinner and there was a little poo. Okay, no biggie, so I had his diaper half off, and his little legs up in the air. I hand the diaper to John to put the poo in the toilet (we're using cloth diapers), and John starts to freak out and gag, even though he knew this is what we were getting into! So John is gagging behind me, and I'm laughing really hard with JM's little legs stuck in the air. All of a sudden I feel something wet on my hand and so I scream (yes, this is not a joke. I'm not proud of it either) and fling my hand into the air. Somehow JM had shot a solid poo out about 6 inches out. If you remember from the last sentence, I said I flung my hand. With the poo on it. Onto the floor. Where Lola was waiting patiently. So now John is gagging to the point of barfing, Lola is extremely excited because, well, poo is yummy! And I'm laughing so hard I can't handle it. John Milo is laughing too, and I spent the evening cleaning poo from the surfaces and keeping Lola out of the room. Ahhh...mommyhood!

Enjoy the unrelated pics below of Bill (John's Dad) and the new shop. The new shop is much farther along now, more pics later. Oh yeah, there's a pic of the poo-eater too :)
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Nobody understands poo humor like a mom.